Dr Gay S1: A Ratings DISASTER!

S1 of the Doctor Pronoun version of the show that used to be Doctor Who is finally over. It was, as I expected, a dumpster fire of flaming horseshit, starring Cutie Gaywank as the Black&Gay Doctor Impostor alongside the shagtastic Millie Tits.

With the TX of the final episode, featuring the canonfucker that was the return of Sutekh The Destroyer The Dog God, what’s left of fandom was finally able to breath a collective sigh of relief that the shitshow was over. At least until Xmas, when Dr Black&Gay will be sharing the screen with the ginger lardarse from Bridgerton.

When RTD2 announced he was coming back, most people, myself included, had hope that things would get better. Little did we know they were about to get worse. Much worse…

First was the casting of a Black&Gay actor, who we immediately knew only got the part because he was Black&Gay. At that moment, any hope we had died in agony and despair.

Doctor Who was about to become Cocktor Who or Queer As Who or Doctor Pronoun or anything other than something worth watching if you weren’t a Lefty Loony or a Marxist Moron.

With only eight episodes in the first series of Cocktor Who, the run was mercifully short. From what I can see from the online non-shill chatter, this has been the most forgettable series of the show ever. As for the character of the Doctor, that thing about him being the same man with a different face? Well, forget that shit, he’s even less the man he used to be than when he was a woman..

The ratings for this shitshow are a disaster, and no matter how the Shills try to spin them as a positive, the fact is that less people are watching this show than ever before.

Of the eight episodes transmitted, none of them broke the three million barrier on overnights, which is the only figure that matters…

When you add them all up, Cutie Gaywank’s average overnight audience for his first series is a staggeringly shite 2.25 million!

Roll on Xmas!


2 thoughts on “Dr Gay S1: A Ratings DISASTER!

  1. It makes you wonder if they deliberately made 8 episodes to test the waters? Disney must surely be looking at the figures and be concerned…

    It could either go two ways if Disney have more input, but its probably more likely that “Global Who” would be the future with plenty of American actors and the woke tick box exercises at the maximum.

    I always said bringing back RTD2 was a bad mistake and a step backwards. He was firmly with the “woke wagon” and you only needed to look at his previous works to see where it was going and what he would do with his return. He follows whatever the establishment deems popular at the time.

    I truly think this may be the worst time to be a Doctor Who fan throughout its entire history. The show hasn’t been good for years with bad writing, bad casting and more importantly bad producers who don’t understand British culture. The British public have already switched off if 2.25 million is the average viewership rating. But worst of all, the fans themselves are completely divided and many aren’t even looking forward to the next series at all. RTD2’s return has failed. Disney’s involvement doesn’t look at all positive. Big Finish may as well do a “Big Finish” and bloody well go. Its an absolute disaster.

  2. I heard so much drivel about the 60th specials that I couldn’t bear to watch the complete episodes .. choosing instead to watch “clips” .. Including the nonsense that was bigeneration for a gay doctor … hmmm… anyways what happened to the 14th after that? Is there hope that The Toymaker or someone will eliminate the 15th and prove that 14 is the real 15 … this is a …to borrow a British phrase “shitestorm” … What REALLY gets my goat is to give the return of Sutekh The Destroyer to THIS creature known as “The Doctor” … I bet they were desperate and thought that would bring us (The TRUE fans) back to the fold but as you aptly point out it epically failed. I think the only way to possibly save this beloved franchise is to create a multiverse with a REAL Doctor or, like Indian Jones, The Young Doctor Adventures or a Time War Saga or something .. even bringing David Bradley back and others to film lost episodes or unfilmed scripts … like BF but BETTER. OR let Doctor WHO die the dignified death it deserves as it could have with TUAT. I can only imagine what the 16th Doctor will be but I am sure “it” will tick all of the WOKE bs boxes causing the BBC/Disney Symbiote to lose the rest of the old fanbase.

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