Comparing The Impostor Doctors

The Vagina Doctor was bad enough, but The Black&Gay Doctor is, as it turns out, even worse.

As we’ve said before here at Whopix, the Overnight Ratings are the only true point of comparison between the original and reboot versions of the show that used to be Doctor Who. When you compare Jodie Shittaker to the other, Real Doctors, this is what you get…Shittaker was the least popular of all the Doctors until Shitty Gaywank came along. Her Average Audience of 4.3million was even lower than Shitfester McCoy’s, which was 4.6million.

And when you add in David TransTennant, things don’t get any better…

Shitty Gaywank’s first series is finally over and now we can finally compare him to his vagina-owning predecessor.

Although it’s not a direct comparison, as Shittaker had ten episodes in her first series to Gaywank’s eight, let’s do it anyway.

Shittaker’s first four episodes had overnights of 8M, 6.9M, 6.1M and 6.2M, Which means that her AA, or Average Audience, for her first four episodes was 6.8million.

By comparison, the overnights for Shitty Gaywank’s first four episodes were 4.7M, 2.6M, 2.4M and 2M, which means his AA for his first four episodes was just 2.9million!

This is what that looks like:

Ouch! Who would have thought that the Black&Gay Doctor would be less popular than the Vagina Doctor? RTD2 clearly didn’t and it’s proved to be a major miscalculation.

But that’s only the first four episodes, and one of those was Gaywank’s introductory Xmas Special, Dr Gay And The Gobblers. But there are still another five episodes to go at this point. Plenty of time for things to get better as word of mouth improves and the online buzz builds.

Or maybe not.

When RTD2 came back, we had hope that things would get better. As it turns out, they got worse. Much worse.

Here are the final overnight ratings for Dr Black&Gay, Series One…

The Average Audience for Shitty Gaywank’s first series is an abysmal 2.25million!

By contrast, by the time Shittaker’s first series was over, her AA was 5.9million!

Which, of course, proves beyond a reasonable doubt that Sexism isn’t as big a problem as Racism. At least, that’s the thinking if you’re a woke wanker. Normies know that the real problem is tickbox casting, godawful writing and complete contempt for both canon and the non-Left audience.

So far from things getting better, the more the audience saw of Dr Black&Gay, the less they liked him. Let’s look at that graph again, and update it now that we can compare the first series of both of the Impostor Doctors…

Ouch! Turns out Shitty Gaywank is even less popular than Jodie Shittaker. Who would have thought that? Well, me for a start, but don’t mind me, I’m just a Grumpy Old Fan…

The low point of the original run was Shitfester McCoy, and the prior low point of the reboot was poor old Capaldi. Using them as reference points, this is what the three most recent “Doctors” look like when you compare their ratings…





SHITTY GAYWANK AVERAGE AUDIENCE = 2.25million [after 1 series]

Things are just as bad for Dr Black&Gay when you compare how many times his ratings have gone Up or Down compared to Shittaker’s…

Starting with his Xmas Special debut and then the following eight Series One episodes, Dr Black&Gay has had nine eps broadcast. The audience has only stayed static once, from Dot And Bubble to Rogue, but even that was technically a Down as the latter was 2.11M and the former was 2.12M.

The rest of the time, Dr Black&Gay’s audience has gone down more often than it’s gone up…

And finally, here’s how all those Ups and Downs look when you go from Jodie Shittaker to Shitty Gaywank…

We’re still waiting on the suspect final ratings for Gaywank’s last two episodes, but even that DWM Shill Tom Spilsbury-Donut can’t spin this in a positive light.

Cutie Gaywank’s Black&Gay Impostor Doctor is a ratings disaster.

He’s the least popular Doctor EVER, at least according to the Overnights, and his final total 7 day consolidated figure, which is about as trustworthy as Steven Moffat saying he’s telling the truth, will be just as bad.

And don’t forget, Series Two is already in the can…

Dr Gay will be back at Xmas, with that lardarse ginger from Bridgerton. The ratings for that will probably be similar to The Gobblers, which was a load of old cobblers. And then it’s Series Two, with Vagina Seethrough instead of Millie Tits.

Which means there’s even less reason to watch S2 of this woke shite…

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